Monday, October 27, 2008

Halloween Hazards

Not all canines enjoy Halloween as we do. Screaming kids, ghosts, goblins and whatever else roaming the neighborhood can be frightening for the canine. Even if your dog is well socialized and normally friendly with others - (of both the human and animal variety), please be aware that tricks, treats and the party hardy atmosphere can trigger the fight or flee instinct in your dog.

If you have an outside dog, be kind and keep the dog in a safe area for the evening - either the house or garage so that they are not bombarded with the ghosts and goblins. If your dog is lucky enough to stay indoors, insure they don't get startled by kids screaming and ringing doorbells. Perhaps keep them in a family room or bedroom away from the door with the TV or radio playing to help block out the strange noises.

The other major hazard for canines at Halloween is chocolate. Remember that chocolate is a poisonous substance for canines. Chocolate contains a "killer" ingredient for dogs called theobromine. Theobromine in the canine can cause trembling, an increased nervousness and excitement, an increased heart rate, seizures, coma and excessive panting. It has also been known to trigger heart attacks in older dogs. Another complication of ingesting theobromine is that it metabolizes very slowly which means it takes about six days to exit your dog's body.

(If your dog does get into the chocolate, go to your local vet or emergency animal clinic immediately!!!!)

So remember, don't let the dogs sample the chocolates but if you want a special Halloween treat for the canines, try some of our treats listed below. These are safe but don't overindulge!

Plan a safe evening for yourself, your children, your canines and HAPPY HOWL-A-WEEN!.

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