Thursday, May 15, 2008

Rant: Canned Hunts should be Banned Hunts

Can you imagine going to the zoo and seeing some sport hunter pull out a gun and start shooting exotic animals? Once the animal is dead, walking up to it and cutting off it's head so that the hunter can proudly display a "trophy" on their wall?

I think most of us animal lovers and admirers would find this scenario cruel, unfair, inhumane, shameful, ethically wrong....(my list could go on) and yet over half of the States in the U.S currently allow canned hunts - the horrific practice of shooting tame, exotic animals behind fences. Thousands of hunters flock to these states every month to buy an opportunity to shoot an animal fenced in an area with no means of escape. In fact, many of the canned hunt ranches and services in these states guarantee a "hunter" the kill of an animal or the hunter does not pay.

Exotic species bred to be killed in these canned hunts include varieties of goats, sheep, deer, antelope, Russian boar, lions and zebras while some native species include bison, elk, deer and bear.

Recently, I'm happy to report that the State of Alabama took action to ban canned hunts on a state level. Additionally, there is proposed federal legislation in Washington, D.C. called the Sportsmanship in Hunting Act, which if passed, will ban the interstate sale or transportation of exotic mammals for trophy hunting in canned hunts. Unfortunately, there are many special interest groups, huge corporations and big businesses that have an interest in keeping canned hunts open and well-stocked with animals for killing. In my opinion, these people and organizations have no concept of sportsmanship and just want any type of hunting to remain legal. While these groups have a strong and powerful voice in Washington, the Humane Society Legislative Fund is working just as hard in lobbying for animal protection legislation.

It is time to expose the unjustified acts of cruelty and abuse that these defenseless and caged animals currently suffer. If you feel that the compassion we show for animals is a reflection of who we are as people, then please get involved and let's change the laws. The HSLF needs our help. Please visit their website at to take action on legislative issues. Call your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives at 202-224-3121 and ask them to support the Sportsmanship in Hunting Act.

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