I love Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instant Messaging. I also love helping good, deserving causes. Many non-profits are joining the social networking world. The Humane Society of the United States has just teamed up with Microsoft to be a part of i'm™. i'm™ is a new initiative from Windows Live Messenger and now, Windows Live Hotmail.
In a nutshell, each time you send a message using Windows Live Messenger or Windows Live Hotmail, Microsoft shares a portion of the program's advertising revenue with some of the world's most effective organizations dedicated to social causes, including The Humane Society of the United States. All you have to do is sign up!
Learn more by going to the Humane Society's site.
Use the tools you normally do and help a good cause.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Today Show: Doggie Wedding Wear
Ok, now I really do think that I've seen everything.
This morning on the Today Show they featured doggie wedding wear in a great, not to miss fashion show. Turns out that folks are having their dogs in their wedding. And of course, their attire must match the bride, groom and wedding patty. If you have a minute, check out the article and the video.
I did think it was great that they pointed out safety factors to consider when including your dog in your special day. Things such as, some flowers are poisonous to dogs, the pooch needs to be potty trained and enjoy being with people.
I suggest that you might want to designate one person as caretaker for your pooch so you have time to focus on your special day and your guests.
This morning on the Today Show they featured doggie wedding wear in a great, not to miss fashion show. Turns out that folks are having their dogs in their wedding. And of course, their attire must match the bride, groom and wedding patty. If you have a minute, check out the article and the video.
I did think it was great that they pointed out safety factors to consider when including your dog in your special day. Things such as, some flowers are poisonous to dogs, the pooch needs to be potty trained and enjoy being with people.
I suggest that you might want to designate one person as caretaker for your pooch so you have time to focus on your special day and your guests.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Nonprofit News: Dog Lovers Wine Club
I love wine and I love helping The Humane Society of the United States. Now there is an opportunity for a win-win -- wine to help eliminate whimpering. The Human Society of the United States just announced their "Dog Lovers Wine Club." The club comes from the Carivintâs Winery. Enjoy a good bottle of wine, with a label designed by an artist, and suggested food parings all to the benefit of The Human Society of the United States.
Buy a bottle for your favorite "dog daddy" for father's day.
Buy a bottle for your favorite "dog daddy" for father's day.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Gift Idea: Broadway Barks by Bernadette Peters
I had the chance to hear Bernadette Peters talk about her new book and the inspiration behind it. Broadway Barks Sales of the book benefit Broadway Barks, an annual star-studded animal adoption event benefiting animal shelters throughout the New York City area. Broadway Barks was co-founded by Bernadette Peters and Mary Tyler Moore. Peter's passion for animals and her work on behalf of the organization are the inspiration behind this book. | Buying the book is a win-win. Get it now on Amazon!! |
Info: North Alabama Adoption Shelters
Well, I "got a round tuit" this morning and posted some information on our site, CanineElement.com, that I've been meaning to post. Our long-term hope is to continually add other locations to this information. Hope you find it helpful.
Happy holiday weekend!!!
Happy holiday weekend!!!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Rant: Protecting your pet!!!
This morning on my walk, I found a healthy dog running loose. She stayed with us during our entire walk. Once I got home, I gave her water and checked her tags. I called the number on the vaccination tag, which turned out to be my vet, but they weren't open yet. So, I decided to walk with her back to the part of the neighborhood where she joined our walk. Various folks were heading out to work and I asked them if they had seen her before. No one recognized her. So, we headed back to my house.
It was finally the time my vet opened so I called them. They had no record of the number listed on the vaccination tag. They suggested calling animal control - who wasn't open yet as it was only 7:00 am. I had to feed my cat and get ready for work so I closed the back yard gates with my new found friend enclosed within. The next time I checked she was gone.
It would have been extremely helpful if she would have had an identification tag with her name and a phone number where I could have reached her human companion. I always carry my cell phone on my walks so I would have had her reconnected and home pretty quickly. Folks tag your dogs - they can't talk, so you need to help them find their way home.
It was finally the time my vet opened so I called them. They had no record of the number listed on the vaccination tag. They suggested calling animal control - who wasn't open yet as it was only 7:00 am. I had to feed my cat and get ready for work so I closed the back yard gates with my new found friend enclosed within. The next time I checked she was gone.
It would have been extremely helpful if she would have had an identification tag with her name and a phone number where I could have reached her human companion. I always carry my cell phone on my walks so I would have had her reconnected and home pretty quickly. Folks tag your dogs - they can't talk, so you need to help them find their way home.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
5 Paws: Steve McGarva of www.islanddog.org
Something inevitably touches my heart very deeply when I watch The Ellen Show. Yes, you immediately think The Ellen Show = Funny, but she has a way of giving us all more. I hate to say it but John McCain put it well today while on her show. He said, we want to be entertained and we want to be informed. And Ellen does both. Well said John McCain!!!
Anyhow, Ellen had read about Steve McGarva in People magazine and had him on the show. Steve, an artist, went with his wife to live in Puerto Rico. While going to surf one day he found a beach used by the locals to drop off unwanted dogs. The pictures of the dogs he found were more than overwhelming. Over the last year the McGarva's have used their own money to feed, pay for medical care, take care of and seek homes for the dogs he found. They have set up an organization, www.islanddog.org, and are working with other organizations on the island to help rescue unwanted dogs on the island.
Obviously, this is a huge job and they need help. You can visit their web site, www.islanddog.org to learn more. I also found these links with more information www.change.org/nonprofits/view/141015, and www.projo.com/pets/content/lb-puerto_dogs_05-18-08_GMA4UE3_v33.19266ce.html.
Anyhow, Ellen had read about Steve McGarva in People magazine and had him on the show. Steve, an artist, went with his wife to live in Puerto Rico. While going to surf one day he found a beach used by the locals to drop off unwanted dogs. The pictures of the dogs he found were more than overwhelming. Over the last year the McGarva's have used their own money to feed, pay for medical care, take care of and seek homes for the dogs he found. They have set up an organization, www.islanddog.org, and are working with other organizations on the island to help rescue unwanted dogs on the island.
Obviously, this is a huge job and they need help. You can visit their web site, www.islanddog.org to learn more. I also found these links with more information www.change.org/nonprofits/view/141015, and www.projo.com/pets/content/lb-puerto_dogs_05-18-08_GMA4UE3_v33.19266ce.html.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Travel: If you take your dog with you when you fly, it looks like you'll be paying even more.
This week I've heard/read several reports that the airlines are adding surcharges for many things, such as checking a second bag. I've also heard that some airlines are increasing their fees for your pet friend to fly with you. If you want to fly with your pet in the cabin, it will now cost you $100 one-way (delta.com) on many airlines.
To read about these and other rate increases check out these links:
To read about these and other rate increases check out these links:
Rant: Canned Hunts should be Banned Hunts
Can you imagine going to the zoo and seeing some sport hunter pull out a gun and start shooting exotic animals? Once the animal is dead, walking up to it and cutting off it's head so that the hunter can proudly display a "trophy" on their wall?
I think most of us animal lovers and admirers would find this scenario cruel, unfair, inhumane, shameful, ethically wrong....(my list could go on) and yet over half of the States in the U.S currently allow canned hunts - the horrific practice of shooting tame, exotic animals behind fences. Thousands of hunters flock to these states every month to buy an opportunity to shoot an animal fenced in an area with no means of escape. In fact, many of the canned hunt ranches and services in these states guarantee a "hunter" the kill of an animal or the hunter does not pay.
Exotic species bred to be killed in these canned hunts include varieties of goats, sheep, deer, antelope, Russian boar, lions and zebras while some native species include bison, elk, deer and bear.
Recently, I'm happy to report that the State of Alabama took action to ban canned hunts on a state level. Additionally, there is proposed federal legislation in Washington, D.C. called the Sportsmanship in Hunting Act, which if passed, will ban the interstate sale or transportation of exotic mammals for trophy hunting in canned hunts. Unfortunately, there are many special interest groups, huge corporations and big businesses that have an interest in keeping canned hunts open and well-stocked with animals for killing. In my opinion, these people and organizations have no concept of sportsmanship and just want any type of hunting to remain legal. While these groups have a strong and powerful voice in Washington, the Humane Society Legislative Fund is working just as hard in lobbying for animal protection legislation.
It is time to expose the unjustified acts of cruelty and abuse that these defenseless and caged animals currently suffer. If you feel that the compassion we show for animals is a reflection of who we are as people, then please get involved and let's change the laws. The HSLF needs our help. Please visit their website at www.hslf.org to take action on legislative issues. Call your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives at 202-224-3121 and ask them to support the Sportsmanship in Hunting Act.
I think most of us animal lovers and admirers would find this scenario cruel, unfair, inhumane, shameful, ethically wrong....(my list could go on) and yet over half of the States in the U.S currently allow canned hunts - the horrific practice of shooting tame, exotic animals behind fences. Thousands of hunters flock to these states every month to buy an opportunity to shoot an animal fenced in an area with no means of escape. In fact, many of the canned hunt ranches and services in these states guarantee a "hunter" the kill of an animal or the hunter does not pay.
Exotic species bred to be killed in these canned hunts include varieties of goats, sheep, deer, antelope, Russian boar, lions and zebras while some native species include bison, elk, deer and bear.
Recently, I'm happy to report that the State of Alabama took action to ban canned hunts on a state level. Additionally, there is proposed federal legislation in Washington, D.C. called the Sportsmanship in Hunting Act, which if passed, will ban the interstate sale or transportation of exotic mammals for trophy hunting in canned hunts. Unfortunately, there are many special interest groups, huge corporations and big businesses that have an interest in keeping canned hunts open and well-stocked with animals for killing. In my opinion, these people and organizations have no concept of sportsmanship and just want any type of hunting to remain legal. While these groups have a strong and powerful voice in Washington, the Humane Society Legislative Fund is working just as hard in lobbying for animal protection legislation.
It is time to expose the unjustified acts of cruelty and abuse that these defenseless and caged animals currently suffer. If you feel that the compassion we show for animals is a reflection of who we are as people, then please get involved and let's change the laws. The HSLF needs our help. Please visit their website at www.hslf.org to take action on legislative issues. Call your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives at 202-224-3121 and ask them to support the Sportsmanship in Hunting Act.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Health: Human foods to NOT feed your dog!!
I was recently made aware that there are some human foods that a very toxic to dogs. I was aware that chocolate was a problem but never realized the depth of the problem it could create if ingested. After a little research, I've compiled the following list and health issues:
The leaves, fruit, seeds and bark of avocados contain the toxin compound persin. Persin is a toxin which can damage the heart, the lung and other tissue in many animals. The most common variety found in stores, the Guatemalan variety, appears to be the most problematic. The major concern in dogs is gastrointestinal irritation which includes vomiting and diarrhea.
Any alcohol is toxic to dogs. Alcoholic drinks can cause damage to a dog's liver and brain just as they do in humans. Since dogs are much smaller than humans the effects can be deadly.
Obviously, the smaller the animal, the more deadly the effects can be. Even a small amount of alcohol may cause vomiting and damage the liver and brain.
Anything that contains caffeine stimulates a dog's central nervous and cardiac systems.
This can lead to restlessness, heart palpitations and even death, depending on how much the dog consumes.
Anything containing Xylitol (a very common sweetener found in some diet products and sugar-free gum) can cause a sudden drop in a dog's blood sugar, loss of coordination and seizures. Once ingested, the symptoms can develop within 30 minutes; seek treatment immediately as the dog could die.
Chocolate contains a natural occurring alkaloid, theobromine, which is used in humans for the treatment of high blood pressure and sometimes as a diuretic. Theobromine's effect on dogs is potentially quite lethal. Dark and unsweetened chocolates are especially dangerous.
Grapes and raisins
A single serving of grapes/raisins can be fatal to a dog. Both grapes/raisins contain an unknown toxin which can lead to kidney failure in dogs. It is important to keep in mind that the effects are cumulative. This means that if a dog eats just a few grapes/raisins periodically, the toxin accumulates in her system which can kill her.
Macadamia nuts contain an unknown toxin, which can affect the digestive and nervous systems and muscles. Within 12 hours of eating nut, dogs may start to develop symptoms such as the in ability to walk or stand, vomiting, and an elevated heart rate. All these symptoms can be worse if the nuts were in chocolate.
Onions are common in some many foods and can be highly toxic to dogs. Baby food can contain onion powder so it should not be fed to dogs. Onions contain sulfoxides and disulfides which can damage red blood cells which can lead to anemia, weakness and breathing difficulties. The effects are also cumulative.
In the event of emergency
You can take all the precautions in the world to keep your pet safe but accidents happen. Consequently, the ASPCA, Humane Society and animal advocates advise pet owners to keep the telephone numbers of their local veterinarian and the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center — (888) 426-4435 for 24-7 telephone assistance — in a prominent location.
The leaves, fruit, seeds and bark of avocados contain the toxin compound persin. Persin is a toxin which can damage the heart, the lung and other tissue in many animals. The most common variety found in stores, the Guatemalan variety, appears to be the most problematic. The major concern in dogs is gastrointestinal irritation which includes vomiting and diarrhea.
Any alcohol is toxic to dogs. Alcoholic drinks can cause damage to a dog's liver and brain just as they do in humans. Since dogs are much smaller than humans the effects can be deadly.
Obviously, the smaller the animal, the more deadly the effects can be. Even a small amount of alcohol may cause vomiting and damage the liver and brain.
Anything that contains caffeine stimulates a dog's central nervous and cardiac systems.
This can lead to restlessness, heart palpitations and even death, depending on how much the dog consumes.
Anything containing Xylitol (a very common sweetener found in some diet products and sugar-free gum) can cause a sudden drop in a dog's blood sugar, loss of coordination and seizures. Once ingested, the symptoms can develop within 30 minutes; seek treatment immediately as the dog could die.
Chocolate contains a natural occurring alkaloid, theobromine, which is used in humans for the treatment of high blood pressure and sometimes as a diuretic. Theobromine's effect on dogs is potentially quite lethal. Dark and unsweetened chocolates are especially dangerous.
Grapes and raisins
A single serving of grapes/raisins can be fatal to a dog. Both grapes/raisins contain an unknown toxin which can lead to kidney failure in dogs. It is important to keep in mind that the effects are cumulative. This means that if a dog eats just a few grapes/raisins periodically, the toxin accumulates in her system which can kill her.
Macadamia nuts contain an unknown toxin, which can affect the digestive and nervous systems and muscles. Within 12 hours of eating nut, dogs may start to develop symptoms such as the in ability to walk or stand, vomiting, and an elevated heart rate. All these symptoms can be worse if the nuts were in chocolate.
Onions are common in some many foods and can be highly toxic to dogs. Baby food can contain onion powder so it should not be fed to dogs. Onions contain sulfoxides and disulfides which can damage red blood cells which can lead to anemia, weakness and breathing difficulties. The effects are also cumulative.
In the event of emergency
You can take all the precautions in the world to keep your pet safe but accidents happen. Consequently, the ASPCA, Humane Society and animal advocates advise pet owners to keep the telephone numbers of their local veterinarian and the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center — (888) 426-4435 for 24-7 telephone assistance — in a prominent location.
Common signs of poisoning include:
- muscle tremors or seizures;
- vomiting and diarrhea;
- drooling;
- redness of skin, ears and eyes;
- swelling and bleeding.
If you suspect your pet has consumed, inhaled or come in contact with a toxic substance, stay calm and call for help immediately. Even if they are not displaying any symptoms.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Amazing Stories: Molly the Pony

Molly is a pony who was abandoned by her owners when hurricane Katrina hit southern Louisiana. While in a shelter she was attacked by a pit bull terrier. Though her injuries were extremely severe, she displayed an incredible tenacity to live. Fate clearly brought surgeon Rustin Moore and Molly together. He saw something special in Molly...a serious survival ethic.
Moore removed her severely damaged leg below the knee and gave her a temporary artificial limb. After the surgery, Molly became more healthy. A human prosthesis designer built her a leg. Now she visits nursing homes, rehab centers, hospitals and shelters. She inspires people. And she had a good time in the process.
Moore notes that, "It's obvious to me that Molly had a bigger role to play in life. She survived the hurricane, she survived a horrible injury, and now she is giving hope to others."
Molly the Pony, a children's book about the pony who has already inspired thousands of people around New Orleans , has been published.
To learn more about visit:
Molly in an inspiration to us all.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Event: Bridgewater, NJ: Pet adoption day May 10, 2008
BRIDGEWATER -- Rawhide Rescue, a nonprofit dog rescue organization, will hold an adoption day from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, May 10 at PetSmart at Bridgewater Promenade Mall (across from Commerce Bank Ball Park). A table with items for sale to benefit the rescue will be located near the entrance of PetSmart. Learn more...
Also check out Rawhide Rescue's site at http://members.petfinder.com/~NJ235/
Also check out Rawhide Rescue's site at http://members.petfinder.com/~NJ235/
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
5 Paws: Rescue Ink (as seen on The Ellen Show!)
Today, I was catching up on my Tivoed Ellen shows. I had the opportunity to learn about Rescue Ink. What an amazing group of guys and what an amazing group. If you haven't heard about them yet, they are a group of guys who are concerned about the problem of animal abuse.
They have several great programs as well as a rescue hotline:
They have several great programs as well as a rescue hotline:
- Companion Outreach Services
- The Feral Cat Trap, Neuter, and Return (TNR) Program
- The School Visitation Initiative
- The Animal Housing Workshop
- Rescue Ink Animal Advocates
- The Pit Bull Awareness Program
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Adoption: Huntsville, AL puppy needs a home
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