Thursday, November 13, 2008

Dog (Hardcover) by Matthew Van Fleet (Author), Brian Stanton (Photographer)

While catching up on some Tivoed episodes of the Martha Stewart show I saw the author of this book. He was on the show demonstrating how to make a pull tabbed card, somewhat like pages in the book.

This cute book highlights various critters and their behaviors, making comparisons and contrasts. On one page, a wheaton terrier (Little dog) is posed next to an English mastiff (Big dog) and a nervous-looking Chihuahua (Teeny dog quakes), while opposite, a neatly coiffed schnauzer backs away from a damp mutt in a tub and the verse finishes, Dry dog,/Wet dog–/shake,/shake,/shake! (a pull tab moves the bather's head from side to side).

Buy this fun book for a little one in your life.

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