Tuesday, October 14, 2008

71 Days to Christmas - Shopping Tips for Dogs & Dog Lovers

Perhaps your shopping for the Dog and Dog Lover that has just about everything one can imagine. Every gift you can think of is already tucked away in their closet, stuck on their book shelf or buried in the toy chest. So this year, instead of handing over another gift you know they don't need, how about making a charitable donation in their name or their beloved dog's name? As we posted earlier, the South Carolina HSPCA has set up a food bank for pets. If your in their vicinity, they need pet food but you can always make a monetary donation too. In addition to the HSPCA, shelters all across our country need help. As people lose their homes and face financial crisis, they are abandoning their pets at an alarming rate. For those of us who believe a pet adoption is for life, it is especially tragic to see the rise of animals left to fend for themselves or dropped off at a shelter.
So consider a charitable donation to your local shelter and rescue group. Your Dog Lover will be honored!
This idea gets a 4 Paw Salute from our 4 leggeds at Canine Element:)) WOOF!

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